Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I found this story on Don Miller's blog, it's the story of the Goff family from San Diego, and their New Years Day Parade. More than a decade ago, when the kids were young, the family sat around bored on New Year's Day. Dad decided boredom wasn’t fitting for a day that God made, so he asked the kids for suggestions, and they decided to have a family parade down their small street. They notified neighbors, and the family decided NOBODY could watch their parade, that people could only participate. Today, the parade is huge. It’s an annual, street tradition, complete with a Grand Marshal and Queen. And still nobody is allowed to watch. Nobody can sit on the curb. Everybody marches in the parade.
It’s a wonderful, true story about how much better life is when we participate. If you’re not sure how to start 2011, make this resolution with me: I will not watch 2011, I will participate. Here’s a little video Richard Goff made celebrating this year's parade (just a few days ago) and a reminder of how meaningful life can be when we get up off the curb and join in! 2011 is more than a new year, it’s the start of a new decade. Take some risks and live a great story this year, sacrifice for somebody else, and you’ll set the tone for the next ten years.