Monday, October 1, 2012


Ephesians 5:15-18
Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk—not as unwise people but as wise— 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil. 17 So don't be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. 18 And don't get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless actions, but be filled with the Spirit:

Every day, our lives are filled with decisions that reflect our priorities, and the activities we consider essential for life. In Ephesians 5:15 Paul is telling the church in Ephesus to be careful... Pay careful attention because life will draw out our true priorities. He's telling us be careful how we live because we can't have it all.

Ladies, let me relieve frustration for some of you and totally send some of you over the edge. You can't get the kids everywhere, you can't get it all cleaned, you can't get it all balanced at work, and fix- cook- and serve every morning and night, then be able to kiss your husband good night. Super woman is a myth. To survive we must make hard choices and these choices will do two very real things... choices calm the chaos, and they reveal our priorities. 

Men, we can't work seventy hour weeks, coach the ball team, make repairs at the house, and then stress out hoping your wife kisses you good night.

BUT, we can't seem to choose... so, we're frustrated and tired! But, how, how did it happen? How did we get roped into such a frustrating "day to day" existence? ... caught up in such unreal expectations? ...left all alone with overwhelming responsibilities?

First, we exchanged the essential for the necessary. Time is limited, opportunity is limited...
16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Days are evil because time is limited, only so many days in a life, only so many hours in a day. Every day we run from activity to activity, from kids event to kids event, back and forth between parent and spouse, between employee and home maker. These are real conflicts, leading to frustrating decisions, and what we're discovering is that...

The necessity of everyday stuff can block us from the essentials of a healthy relationship with Christ.

We can't break free, we don't know what to drop, and we can't slow down enough to think about re-prioritizing... one, because it makes us feel guilty and two, we're scared, we're scared that we'll get run over, left behind, or simply let someone down. So what can we do?!?

1. Align your daily necessaries with God's essentials!
2. Step up and step into your Biblical covenant roles!
3. Everyday... be filled with the craving your relationship with Jesus!

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