Sunday, August 30, 2009

Quiet Desperation

Henry David Thoreau made the statement that "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." I believe all of us want to do something significant with our lives but fail to achieve the greatness we seek with our lives. When I look around at the situations around me I see huge stories, life changing stories, but more importantly I see the opportunity for greatness. Many times we want to do something significant with our lives but we want to pick what that something is!!! We want to be president, cure cancer, or picture ourselves pulling someone out of a burning building. However, what if God has called us to significance through our ability to rise about a difficult situation. What if our significance is found in amazing abilities to handle the situations of our lives. I don't want to look back on my life and realize that I miss the opportunity to have done something extraordinary with my life. I don't want to realize that I was called to do something great with the situations of my life and my greatness was forsaken because I missed the blessings right in front of me. I no longer want to look at my trials with quiet desperation but with the resolve to be significant with the life God's given me!
None of this might make any sense but it was running through my mind so I just wrote it down.

Monday, August 24, 2009

What Ifs!

When we started North River Church we started with a bunch of "what ifs!?!" What if, no one was about to say we've never done it this way before? What if, we designed the church to hold its members to higher expectations? What if, we committed ourselves and our resources to always be concerned about those outside the walls of our church? What if, we only did programming that fit into our clearly defined process and that only helped accomplish our clearly defined goals? Now that would mean NOT starting a few things people want and expect to be started but what if we could do it? What if, we could develop members who would calendar the church first, instead of last? What if, we could raise up members who would tell the coaches of the community the priorities of their home (Assuming Christ was the priority of their home.)
Well... as we enter another fall, I'm still passionate about working to build a healthy church. I am even more convinced that the church of our community needs to change its relationship with the community. The world believes that the church is angry and hates them. We as Christ-followers cannot embrace that view but must commit to loving those whom Christ loves and HE loves everybody!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where Have I Been?

I can't believe how fast time seems to get away from me. As a young person I use to listen to old people talk about how time flies and I just knew they were crazy. Now I'm older and I am watching my days get away from me. I want to be a part of doing something significant for the Kingdom of God but instead I seem to get caught doing so many little things that I can't seem to get back to the main things. I use to think at 25 that I was so disciplined with my time but now as I approach 40 I realized I've never known the demands of a full schedule. Everything in ministry seems like a priority. I hear words like balance and prioritize but when the people need you all I know is that the people need you!
So what am I trying to say? I don't know!?!? Just learn a lesson from someone who is watching his days; and hold each moment precious. Make sure you give your minutes to those things worthy of your life and know what we do in this life is limited! Spend your time wisely!