I've often wondered why Christ-followers feel the need to put on the mask of perfection. Why we feel the need to hide our issues, struggle with the reality of our own sin, and deny the truths of our problems?!? I wonder if its embarrassment for the sins in our lives, or our inability to solve certain relational life issues. In the end, I think we all feel the need to cover for God! Somewhere along the way we thought, "Well, I gave my life to Jesus but I'm still struggling with whatever, so HE must not be able to solve this, therefore, I"ll hide it for Him."
I wonder what would happen in the church, if we stop trying to cover for God and simply admitted that, "I've fallen short of God's glory and I need help getting to where God wants me!?!" What if we admitted that ALL marriages go through tough times? What would happen if we ALL admitted that we are still sinners and in constant need of accountability? Or dealt with sins in the church with the same passion as we deal with sins of our culture? What do you think the church would look like? I wonder if we would enjoy it more and dread it less? I wonder if the world would finally feel welcomed to explore the claims of Christ from inside the church?
In other words, I wonder why we don't do it? I guess we're all scared to go first!
We talked about this in LCBF last Sunday. A great conversation - so hopefully we will try to help in this area!