Monday, March 16, 2009

People vs. Programming

I've always found it so ironic how differently church staff and church members see church programming. Church staff members can become so passionate and emotionally attached to a new program because they see all the different ways it can help and minister to the people. While at the same time church members see programming as another night of the week gone or another activity where the staff wants me out of the house. The church member believes that by coming to the event or program they have done the church staff member a favor and boosted his or her numbers. However, the staff member is hoping and praying that God will use the event to change the church member's life forever. So where's the balance?!? How do we as church leaders help church members see the need for spiritual development, while not making it feel like a spiritual burden? It may be different for every church leader but I believe the answer begins with identifying the church's priorities. As leaders we need to clearly define and clearly communicate the vision and priorities of the church. If we fail to communicate clearly defined priorities then church members are more likely to believe we have a greater interest and investment in the program than the people.

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