Monday, May 4, 2009


I have been wrestling with the size of problems in our culture and even more specifically in our city. When we look around and we see the amount of poverty in our city, and need for the church to rise up and make a difference in the lives of other people, I get overwhelmed. Recently, I realized that the world doesn't believe the church is full of hypocrites because a Christ-follower slips a curse word in anger, or is seen having a drink. I believe the world sees the church as a building full of hypocrites because we limit when and how we serve the poor in our community. I know I have sent mixed messages to the city when I've turned a deaf ear to community needs. I fell into the trap of "homelessness isn't cool for church growth, meals aren't cool for leadership development," but I think Jesus is longing for His church to make a difference in the lives of hurting people. If I am HIS then I must serve those whom He loves! ...and honestly I'm wrestling with the size of that challenge?!?

1 comment:

  1. Scott,
    I've felt this for a long time. Do a Christmas meal here, something else there, but where are you the rest of the time? Where are the relationships that need to be built and trusted upon. When the project children were brough in to FBC for VBS, I felt like no one was prepared to understand their needs. Because this is all I teach, I gravitated to them. They didn't know how to behave, but some of the churched people didn't know how to behave and that was worst because they've had the best teacher in the Lord. I feel like relationships need to start with a need and grow from there. Making a big difference in one life for a certain group called to. Making a big difference in another life others are called to help. God will direct you. You just have to get out of your comfort zone so God can use you. If you earnestly pray for this, major blessing and life changing experiences will happen.
